| 1. | An overhaul of the appointment system to provide greater flexibility in the hiring and firing of staff and to consider the introduction of performance - related pay increases 推广以实效为本以服务为根的工作文化增加私营机构参与提供公共服务的机会 |
| 2. | Some improvements to the staff appraisal system have been introduced in recent years . what further changes are needed to support the introduction of performance - related pay 工作表现评核制度近年已有改善,这方面还需要什么改变,以配合薪效挂制度? |
| 3. | Some improvements to the staff appraisal system have been introduced in recent years . what further changes are needed to support the introduction of performance - related pay 工作表现评核制度近年已有改善,这方面还需要什么改变,以配合薪效挂?制度? |
| 4. | Replacement of automatic annual increments on fixed pay scales by more flexible pay ranges which enable different pay and increases to be meted out on the basis of performance has been a significant step towards implementing performance - related pay 按工作表现给予不同薪酬及增薪取代固定薪级表上自动按年递加的增薪,是迈向薪效挂的一大步。 |
| 5. | Replacement of automatic annual increments on fixed pay scales by more flexible pay ranges ( which enable different pay and increases to be meted out on the basis of performance ) has been a significant step towards implementing performance - related pay 按工作表现给予不同薪酬及增薪)取代固定薪级表上自动按年递加的增薪,是迈向薪效挂?的一大步。 |
| 6. | People working in remote , underdeveloped areas will also receive a special allowance and performance - related pay . the aim of the planned pay rise is to improve the welfare of government employees in china ' s poor and rural regions , according to the 除了完善事业单位工作人员收入分配制度外,本次薪资改革将适当提高企业离退休人员基本养老金标准各类优抚对象抚恤补助标准以及城市低保对象的补助水平。 |